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Green/Orange multi tones Australian Merino Tops

Green/Orange multi tones Australian Merino Tops

Regular price £1.80 GBP
Regular price Sale price £1.80 GBP
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Green/orange multi tones - Australian Merino Tops, 21 micron.

  • longer fibres (comes in strands) the opposite to batts.
  • particularly suitable to wrap around wire armature to cover thinly and evenly.
  • perfect for landscapes, flowers and fairy skirts
  • great for 2d projects, wet felting and spinning

Woolly Sheep Swatches - A felt sheep wrapped with a minimum of 2g of your choice of fibre.

NB: although every effort has been made to represent the colours shown as accurately as possible, we cannot guarantee an exact colour match as all images can vary when viewed on different screens and devices.

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